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England, Frankrig, Belgien, Finland og Sverige er kommet noget længere med forskning og praksis i forhold til global undervisning end Danmark. Vi kikker derfor ud i verden, når vi skal lade os inspirere. Her er nogle enkelte af de tekster, vi har læst.

  • Global Education Guidelines – A Handbook for Educators to Understand and Implement Global Education. Concepts and methodologies on global education for educators and policy makers. Udarbejdet og udgivet af Global Education Week Network i samarbejde med North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. Lissabon 2008. Opdateret version 2010.
  • Global Education in Europe to 2015. Strategy, policies, and perspectives. Outcomes and Papers of the Europe-wide Global Education Congress Maastricht, The Netherlands. 15-17 November 2002.
  • Global Education First Initiative. The UN Secretary-General’s Global Initiative on Education.
  • Verdensborgeren er ideal for dannelse. Annegrethe Hansen, Corrie Mortensen og Chresten Sloth Christensen. Liv i skolen 4:2008. 
  • Digital Democracy and Global Citizenship Education: Mutually Compatible or Mutually Complicit? Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti og Karen Pashby, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland. The Educational Forum 77: 422-437, 2013.
  • Global Citizenship Education. Topics and learning objectives. UNESCO, 2015.
  • Education for Sustainable Development Goals – Learning Objectives. Education 2030. Unesco 2017.


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Hvad er global undervisning?

Verdensmålene og undervisning

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